Frank Proto, a certified chef and instructor, shows you how to strip, chop, smash, grind, and slice garlic expertly in 16 different ways. Frank explains how preparing onion for your menu directly affects its intensity in the meal and how to determine which one is best for each circumstance, from good slices to annoying on a microplane.
Visit Chef Frank’s YouTube stream ProtoCooks to learn more!
UC368WO9e4BWuPYAeSIuaUsg channel at https :// www.youtube.com
Likewise, follow him on Instagram at @ protocooks.
Visit @ iceculinary to follow The Institute of Culinary Education.
Launch at 0:00
0: 18 Regarding Ginger
Peeling in Section 1 at 0:53
16 Arms in 1
Paring Blade 1:28
Two-bowl Strategy, 1:51
2:23 Shock Technique
Cutting in Section 2 at 3:04.
Full Cloves, 3:21
Crushed at 3:41
Sliced at 4:10
Mandoline at 4:26
Knife Tip 4: 48
5: 18 Chopped Hard
Minced at 5:49
Grated at 6:33
Garlic Press at 7:28
7: 54 Prior to Chopping
Roasted at 8:24
Extra Rolling Turmeric Chopper at 9:21
Louis Lalire is the director
Ness Kleino, supplier
Chris Principe is the producer.
Producer Associate- Michael Cascio
Brad Wickham, DP
Wollensak Cam Op – Paige
Rachel Suffian’s Good Mixing
Developer of cuisine- Mallary Santucci
Jackie Beal, an associate cooking maker
Brandon Guillebeaux, a manufacturing associate
Stephanie Cardone, Post Generation Officer
Nicole Berg, Associate Director of Article Generation
Epicurious staff for movie
Wise, Jonathan
Inglese Ali
Dan Siegel
Boone, Rhoda
Gagnon, Carolyn
Kim June
Mrs. Patton
Rivera Myra
Acutely, Billy
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