Urban Prepping Tips for Families

Here are some tips to help you prepare for a disaster. It’s not only about surviving, but also thriving.

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Five Common Plants Worth Knowing

Plants are awesome because they give us food, shelter, clothes, and medicine. They can even boost our mood and make us grin. The post Five Common Plants Worth Knowing appeared…

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Scientific Tips on How to Survive Wild Animal Attacks

In this video, we will show you the best proven techniques from scientific studies and wildlife experts, to help you survive a deadly battle with an animal. Bears Bears are…

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#shorts You can boil the water with canned tuna in oil and some paper towels, this is the ultimate survival lifehack for food warming in limited conditions!

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Your 1st Actions In A Disaster (SHTF Survival Tips For Preppers – 1 of 5)

Prepping for a SHTF scenario, instant disaster survival tips for preppers like this one from Jonathan Hollerman will help you take fast, decisive action – from your survival kit bug…

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The Prepper’s Guide to Outdoor Knowledge: Safeguarding Your Skills and Wallet

Outdoor skills are often overlooked in our modern society, but they are extremely important for survival and well-being. These basic abilities, such as finding edible plants, clean water, and building…

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Urban Survival Shelters

There seem to be two options we talk about in the prepping and survival community: bugging in and bugging out. When we talk about bugging out, it seems to always…

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How Can You Turn Your Survival Skills Into Something Marketable?

Technology has made life easier but has caused many to become complacent in their survival skills. Preppers use these necessary skill sets daily to provide themselves and their families with…

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How Long of an Emergency Should I Prepare For?

For a question that is so fundamental to emergency preparedness, this question is not easy to answer. The post How Long of an Emergency Should I Prepare For? appeared first…

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[VIDEO] Pocket Survival Kit (PSK) – Rescue vs. Self-recovery

There’s a big debate going on since forever if you should attempt self-recovery or wait for rescue. After last week’s video on rescue signaling in your PSK, Cache Valley Prepper…

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