What is the Best Shot Size for Waterfowl Hunting?

My waterfowl hunting buddies often argued about the best shot size for waterfowl. We all had our favorites, and of course, there was always that one guy who used T-shot and said bigger was better. While bigger is better in some instances, it’s one of the worst choices in others. As you continue reading, you’ll discover what I’ve found to be the best shot sizes for the type of waterfowl hunting you’re doing.

If I had to choose a single best shot size for waterfowl, it would be #2s, simply for the versatility you get while shooting them. This is often a big argument because waterfowl come in various sizes. Ducks, geese, cranes, and swans all vary in size, meaning a different size of shot works better for each. This is why I’ve sectioned the article between the types of waterfowl, starting with ducks.

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Best Shot Size for Duck Hunting

Ducks even come in various sizes. Teal and divers are similar in size, but I’ve found divers to be tougher and require a larger shot size than teal. While dabblers are generally about the same size (Mallards, Pintails, Gadwalls, and Widgeon), I often use the same size shot when targeting those species.

Teal Hunting

What is the Best Shot Size for Waterfowl Hunting?

I have a love/hate relationship with teal hunting. It can be fast and furious, right at shooting light, but you’re also swatting mosquitoes that are the size of teal and sweating your butt off because it’s early season. 

I prefer to use #4s, or even #6s when teal hunting. Using a smaller pellet size increases my chances of hitting a bird going Mach 1 across the spread without sacrificing stopping power for these thin-skinned waterfowl. 

Dabbler Hunting

Dabbler ducks are a bit larger, so I like to use #4s or #2s. These shot sizes are readily available in tungsten or steel and can harvest dabbler ducks out to 40 to 50 yards. 

I’ve used BB to harvest dabblers, but I’ve found the larger shot size damages too much meat, which is why #2s are as big as I like to use.

Diver Hunting

My expertise is not in hunting diver ducks. My buddies and I have had a few hunts in which they came in while we were targeting dabblers, and to our astonishment, our #4s and #2s didn’t immediately drop them. 

Divers are tougher than dabblers, and even though they’re smaller, I prefer to use BB when diver hunting. These small waterfowl are as fast as a jet but as tough as a tank, so ideally, a mix of BB and #2s would be perfect, but I want the extra knockdown power that BB gives.

Best Shot Size for Goose Hunting

What is the Best Shot Size for Waterfowl Hunting?

Geese also come in various sizes. I’ve shot some that were as small as mallards and others the size of a Boeing 747 (they looked that big cupped over the decoys). This means there is no perfect shot size for geese; however, my go-to is BB. 

I’ve harvested geese with #2s, but it usually means more cripples than I prefer, whereas BB can punch through the thick down, fat, and muscle to quickly stop a big or small goose in its tracks.

When targeting snow geese, #2s are plenty big because snows aren’t big and are not as tough as Canada geese. 

Best Shot Size for Crane Hunting

What is the Best Shot Size for Waterfowl Hunting?

I didn’t know there were greater and lesser Sandhill Cranes until several years ago when I hunted with Redeye Outfitters in Lubbock, TX. The guides recommended we use T-shot regardless of whether it was Greaters or Lessers coming in. I thought it was a bit excessive until the first flock decoyed, and I saw firsthand just how tough these birds are. 

I wouldn’t hunt with anything smaller than BB for Sandhill Cranes, and even BB doesn’t always immediately stop them, so loading up on some T isn’t a bad idea.

Best Shot Size for Swan Hunting

Swans are giant birds, which means a big shot size is best. If I ever get the chance to hunt a swan, I’m buying BB, BBB, or T. Swans have also been shot with #1, but most guides will recommend nothing smaller than BB. 

Parting Shots

You now understand why narrowing down the best shot size for waterfowl hunting is nearly impossible. There are simply too many variables that factor into choosing the perfect shot size. 

I believe #2s are the best all-around shot size for waterfowl hunting because they can handle the widest variety of species and are readily available. Let me know your favorite waterfowl shot size in the comments. 

The post What is the Best Shot Size for Waterfowl Hunting? appeared first on AllOutdoor.com.

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