This summertime is starting to indicate a change that many people are concerned about. What effects will this have on you, and what can you accomplish right away to get ready? Get the Begin Preparing! app ! Start your preparedness journey here: https :// bit.ly / 3xWhVwZ
Ahead of the Energy Crisis: https:// www.youtube.com / watch? v = 0VVWF-MvrJw
Best solar generator for 2023: http :// youtu.be / rB8XR5Brn6I
Calculators for Solar Generators: https :// cityprepping.tv / 3TUxu3f
Instantly Power Your Home When the Grid Goes Down: https :// youtu.be / adR3d1OkAsE
9 Simple Ways to Save Energy This Winter( And Stay Warm ): https :// www.youtube.com / watch? v = e5Pyngswovk
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# shtf # weather # climatechange