The Most Important Winter Survival Item Every Prepper Should Have

In todays video we talk with an experienced trapper and fur expert who talks about the most crucial aspect of winter , YOUR CLOTHING! For thousands of years people relied on animal hides to stay warm in the winter, this is a lost art that is very relevant to modern day and .

Get wool insoles here
100% Wool Sheepskin Insoles

Get furs here (USA or CANADA)

CANADIAN STORE / Premium / Emergency Equipment

Gasmasks and Protective Equipment
First Aid

Emergency Food Supplies
Freeze Dried Survival Food

Survival Tools

Shelter and Sleep Systems

Water Filtration
Water Filtration

Cooking Systems

Silky Saws
Silky Saws

Flashlights & Navigation

Survival Gear/ Misc
Protection/ Hunting

Fire Starting
Fire Making

Hygiene | Toilet Paper Tablets!

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