The Grid is Going Down! 9 Steps to Get Ready With Jim Phillips

It only matters WHEN the network goes down; it doesn’t matter IF it does. discusses 9 locations you might want to concentrate on in this film to get ready for the impending surprise. Foundation( Attitude ), clothing, , sanitation, nutrition, shelter, wellness, tools, and supplies are among them.
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** Read Ted Koppel’s Lights Out at https :// 46SCwDG
William R. Forstchen’s ** One Second After by https :// 3NWb6Eo
Use the promo code PROVIDENT to save$ 50 on each device you order to learn more about protecting your house, car, and communication equipment at https :// / provident. For the best selection of free research studies on the effects of EMP, visit their .
Jim can be reached at, https :// /@ SafeHarborAlliance, or griddownreadiness @ com.
You might want to look at these articles at TheProvidentPrepper. com to assist you in getting ready in the areas Jim suggests.
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Lifesaving advice on how to stay warm during a winter power outage is available at https :// / 6.
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Life-saving advice on how to help you survive a summer power outage is available at https ://
Emergency liquid filtering: guiding you through the jungle
https :// / emergency--filters-helping-you-get-through-the-maze /
Storage for
https :// / how-to-store-water-for-emergency-preparedness
Basic Disaster Sanitary Preparation
Preparing for basic emergency sanitation at https ://
Three months’ worth of food: Amazing tranquility
3 months of food supply, amazing peace of mind, https ://
Innovative Solutions to Build a Essential Asset for Long-Term Food Storage
https :// / long-term-food-storage-creative-solutions-to-build-a-critical-asset /
Amazing Daily Food Made With Even Straw, Salt, and Water
https :// / incredible-survival-and-daily-bread-using-only-wheat-salt and water
The Top 5 Medicines to Keep on Hand for a Last-Minute Apply
https :// / top-5-antibiotics-to-stock-for-emergency-use
A Prepper’s Manual to Crisis Communication
A guide to communicating in an emergency is available at https ://
How to Set Up Important Paperwork for an Incident Elimination
https :// / how-to-organize-critical-documents-for-emergency-evacuation
How to Make the Ideal Disaster Success Kit
https :// / how-to-make-the-perfect-emergency-survival-kit /
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