Thanksgiving Camping

Special holidays only come once a year so you might need some camping tips to help you prepare for those unique occasions.

is a big part of camping trips but that is just the beginning of creating a fun, memorable and thank-filled celebration.

Thanksgiving Camping Recipes And Trip Tips With Activities To Celebrate The Holiday by CampingForFoodies features a silver and blue vintage camper trailer set up in a wooded campsite with autumn leaves on the trees and ground in hues of golden yellow, red, orange and green and below that a plateful of Thanksgiving camping food with turkey, gravy, dressing, cranberry sauce, potatoes and salad with text over the image that reads Thanksgiving camping.

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How To Have The Perfect Camping Trip

Most people spend the holiday in a home with family members gathered around a table for a huge feast followed by a day of watching football games on TV.

But what if you want to enjoy the holiday in the great outdoors?

We’ve got ideas for camping during Thanksgiving that will maintain the classic feel of the holiday while you are creating new traditions in the great outdoors!

Happy Camper Pumpkins Instant Digital Download Printable Graphic Transfer ImageHappy Camper Pumpkins Instant Digital Download Printable Graphic Transfer ImageHappy Camper Pumpkins Instant Digital Download Printable Graphic Transfer Image


Camping Thanksgiving Dinner

Because so much of traditional Thanksgiving celebrations center on the meal, we are going to start with tips on how to cook conventional Thanksgiving recipes without a home kitchen.

Our typical menu includes Thanksgiving camping recipes of:

  • Turkey that is cooked in a slightly modified Smokey Joe grill.
  • Gravy that is made on a propane camp stove or in a cast iron skillet over a .
  • Sausage Dressing that is made in a cast iron camp .
  • Cranberry Sauce that is prepared using a propane camp stove.
  • Spiced Sweet Potatoes that are cooked in foil packets over a .
  • Spinach Salad that is mostly no-cook (although we do toast the almonds in a skillet.)
  • Apple Pie that is baked in a cast iron camp .
  • Apple Cider that is heated over a cooking fire on a grate or using a propane camp stove.
Have A Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner At The Campsite - Camping For Foodies .com

Thanksgiving Thankful And Blessed Paper Plates And NapkinsThanksgiving Thankful And Blessed Paper Plates And NapkinsThanksgiving Thankful And Blessed Paper Plates And Napkins


Meal Timing For Thanksgiving Camping Recipes

Even when you are cooking in a fully equipped home kitchen, it is not easy to have the entire Thanksgiving meal ready to serve at the same time.

These tips will help you prepare your dinner with cooking time in mind.

Knowing what to prep-ahead, what to cook first, and how to have your entire dinner, including side dishes, hit the Thanksgiving table at the same time is easy with these tips and tricks!

Thanksgiving Dinner At The Campsite With The Camping For Foodies Family - Camping For Foodies .com

Trip Tips When Camping During Thanksgiving

Let’s be honest, lots of people stress-out during the holiday season.

Part of the beauty of camping on Thanksgiving is getting away from stress!

Whether you are planning to go to a national park, state park or head out to a national forest for dispersed camping, these tips will help you effortlessly plan your entire camping Thanksgiving weekend so you can focus on relaxing and reflecting on this important holiday.

Easy Tips for a Thanksgiving Camping Trip - Camping For Foodies .com

Thanksgiving Camping Ideas

Beyond the Thanksgiving feast and trip planning, you’ll want to design your trip to celebrate the holiday.

We’ve got ideas for fun Thanksgiving activities and campsite decorations that will bring a grateful tone to your Thanksgiving camp trip.

Thanksgiving Garden FlagThanksgiving Garden FlagThanksgiving Garden Flag


More Yummy Meal Ideas

If you don’t want to eat turkey and leftovers the entire weekend, try some of these easy and delicious camp cooking recipes, we’ve got tons of options!

Looking for interesting camping ideas for your next trip? We’ve got loads of them!

Camping Food With Easy Meal Ideas And Original Recipes by CampingForFoodies

No time to look for recipes, create a menu and write a grocery list? No Problem! Get our 3-Day Dutch Oven Camp Menu Plan here!

3-Day Dutch Oven Camp Menu Plan By Camping For Foodies .com

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If you need camping recipes and menu ideas, you can find them here at the Camping For Foodies Camping Recipes list.

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The post Thanksgiving Camping appeared first on Camping For Foodies.

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