We’re Reaching A Boiling Point The Next Few Weeks

The Ukraine conflict is approaching a boiling point. Should we worry about avian flu and the weather disruptions to our food supply that are beginning to reveal themselves? All this…

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The Ultimate Food Dehydrator Guide

In this video, we’re going to walk you through the various options to dehydrate food and explain the things you need to know. Download the Start Preparing! Survival Guide here:…

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How to Bug Out – A Step by Step Guide

Being able to bug out at a moment’s notice is essential. In this video, we’ll go through the practical considerations you must have in place to ensure your family’s safety….

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Surviving An Economic Collapse: What to Prepare Now

When an economic collapse occurs in a nation, certain items, and skills prepared in advance ensure you can thrive while others merely survive. Are you ready? Sign up at https://bit.ly/34futCW…

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9 Easy Hacks to Save Energy This Winter (And Stay Warm)

Energy prices are already soaring, and it appears they will only increase, so what are ways to save on your electricity bill? Download the Start Preparing! Survival Guide here: https://bit.ly/3xWhVwZ…

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Overlooked Survival Item You Need to Learn to Make

In this video, I’ll take you through each step to create your own survival charcoal. It serves MANY purposes after a disaster and is easy to make. Download the Start…

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The Coming Energy Shock No One Is Discussing

We are still in the early phases of the electricity price increase. What may we hope last and why is this happening? Get the Begin Preparing app now! Start your…

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How To Charge a Phone Without Electricity (Grid Down)

How will you charge your phone if the network fails? I’ll demonstrate an easy steal in this film. Begin Preparing by downloading! Start your preparedness journey by viewing the survival…

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How To Survive The First 90 Days After SHTF

7 Unchangeable Regulations Are you currently following them? Your chances of success may improve if you follow these guidelines! Get the Begin Preparing app now! Start your preparation journey right…

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How to Survive the First 90 Days After the Collapse

Did you know what to do if several disasters occurred simultaneously in the United States and no assistance was on the way? We’ll examine your current preparation options. Begin Preparing…

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