Surviving in a World of Super-soldiers

The concept of supersoldiers isn’t so far-fetched. This is something that military organizations around the world would like to make real. The post Surviving in a World of Super-soldiers first…

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10 Survival Items to Scavenge from Abandoned Vehicles

Looting, scavenging, call it what you will. When the SHTF, you might need to do a little scavenging.  Scavenging after SHTF carries significant stigma, invoking … The post 10 Survival…

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9 Ways to Find Water in the Wild: Survival 101

According to the Rules of 3, a person can only go three days without water. Of course, this is not an absolute timeframe as there … Read more9 Ways to…

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Find Nuclear Fallout Shelters Near Me: How to Find, Types of Shelters

Nuclear warfare, the world’s worst nightmare. Wars seem like a never-ending phenomenon, regularly occurring across the globe.  However, all of these wars never use any … Read moreFind Nuclear Fallout…

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The Best Flashlights for Hunters

OutdoorHub The Best Flashlights for Hunters There is no outdoor adventure where you shouldn’t have a flashlight along. Even if you’re not planning on being out after dark, it can…

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Scenario Based Loadouts for The Prepared and Aware

What does the proper prepper loadout look like? Do you know what things you should be carrying and when? Of course not! That’s because scenarios change. Its also because no…

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What You Need To Know About The Asteroids That Hit The Earth

The idea of a large asteroid, along the lines of what is believed to have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs, was a favorite theme of S.F. writers. The post…

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20 Best Foods You Must Have In Your Bug Out Bag

No one wants to leave their home from a disaster unprepared. That’s why it’s crucial to prepare our bag out bag ahead and pack our essentials, including food. The post…

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What Kind of Prepper Are You? 3 Major Types

When it comes to being prepared for emergencies, when the SHTF or even a full-on apocalypse, two topics take center stage. Skills or knowledge and … Read moreWhat Kind of…

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How To Survive Being The Only Woman In Hunting Camp

OutdoorHub How To Survive Being The Only Woman In Hunting Camp It’s no secret that the number of female hunters is rapidly growing, making it the fastest growing demographic within…

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