How To Charge a Phone Without Electricity (Grid Down)

How will you charge your phone if the network fails? I’ll demonstrate an easy steal in this film. Begin Preparing by downloading! Start your preparedness journey by viewing the survival…

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SHTF in the Suburbs

During SHTF, are the cities still feasible? This frequently asked question has Bear unpacking his response. For those who are preparing for SHTF WROL TEOTWAWKI or other natural disasters, Bear…

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PREPPING HACK! What to Do with that Old Wire Clothes Hanger! RECYCLE IT!!!

In this video I show you how to make a hook to remove a canteen from a fire and a cup stand for your alcohol stove out of a wire…

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Prepping With Canned Food For Survival: Outdated!

Getting ready for your family’s life with canned products? What happens if some of the Survival Food in your Prepper Pantry is past its Best Buy meeting or has expired…

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3 Months Is All You Need As A Prepper – Here’s Why

For how much should you be ready? 2 decades, 1 month, or 6 months? In this movie, we’ll examine the important milestones that preppers should aim for and why it…

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Limited Finances? Here’s How to Prep in 2023!

Lack of funds but still want to prepare? We’ve got you covered, I promise! We go over realistic steps you can take right away to get the preparations you require…

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Top 10 Tips for New Preppers

REPOST – BEST OF BEAR: Man, there’s a LOT of bad information out there on how to survive TEOTWAWKI WROL SHTF. I mean, the kind of information that will get…

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How To Survive The First 90 Days After SHTF

7 Unchangeable Regulations Are you currently following them? Your chances of success may improve if you follow these guidelines! Get the Begin Preparing app now! Start your preparation journey right…

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20 Foods I Keep in MY SECRET PREPPER PANTRY (Food Storage 101)

In today’s videos, I’ll give you a tour of the meals storage structure and business I have been working on for my family because we have faced some significant issues…

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5 Lies You Where Told About Prepping! #Shorts

See full video here There is a lot of misinformation and lies out there about prepping for emergencies and what it means to be a prepper. Some come from…

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