10 herbs recommended for sinus problems

Sinusitis is a painful illness that frequently manifests during seasonal changes and has the potential to make our daily lives utterly terrible. Survivopedia was the first to list the top…

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4 wildfire protection tips

Without a doubt, considerable improvements in fireplace detection and suppression technologies have been made over the past few decades, which have helped the number of home fires in the United…

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[VIDEO] Pocket Survival Kit (PSK) – Water Treatment

There isn’t a worse feeling than having to decide whether it’s worthwhile to drink treated water and perhaps become ill or whether you should prolong your appetite while searching for…

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How to make a secret stash for hard times

Several assessments indicate that the majority of the community is still unprepared for even a small crisis. This is obvious whenever a biological hazard or an event brought on by…

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The Role of Social Media in Emergency Communication Strategies for Preppers

Although it’s common for some preppers to be more solitary and self-reliant, you might still want to use social media. To meet another preppers and talk about the best ways…

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Survival in a World Full of Scammers

The cooking and life community has a propensity to concentrate on the major disasters. Because there will be a collapse in society and we’ll get rid of all those people…

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Continued Shortages as the Economy Goes South

The past few years have been, at best, exciting. We have witnessed disaster after disaster strike no only our nation but also the entire earth, beginning with the crisis. Additionally,…

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How to evacuate a ruined city

Local authorities find it logistically impossible to evacuate a large city in the event of an herbal or man-made catastrophe, and because there isn’t enough personal and institutional infrastructure, it…

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How to evacuate a ruined city

Local authorities find it logistically impossible to evacuate a large city in the event of an herbal or man-made catastrophe, and because there isn’t enough personal and institutional infrastructure, it…

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5 Most Dangerous Pests and How Survivalists Can Manage Them

Some of the most serious pests you’ll encounter are also some of those that are most prevalent. However, there are ways to prevent bites and stings as well as the…

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