The Secret Battery Storage Hack Every Prepper Needs to Know

Discover the secrets of long-term battery storage and find out what actually works to ensure your batteries are effective when you need them most. In this video, we’ll share specific…

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Beyond the Basics: 10 Unconventional Prepping Tips That Could Make All the Difference!

In this video, you will learn 10 unconventional prepping tips to think outside the standard survival strategies and avoid being “like the rest of the herd.” These unconventional prepping ideas…

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CanCooker Jr. Campfire Cooking Shrimp Sausage vegetables Camping

We will be useing the Can Cooker at this camp a few more times this week. Watch our Camping series and stay tuned to our channel to see the desert…

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Dutch Oven CampFire Cooking On The Tripod EPIC

Tripod cooking Dutch Oven Game Hens with a full load out of vegetables. Load them dutch ovens up and crack a cold one open. Check out this gourmet camping recipes….

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Doomsday Prepping 101: 9 Tips for Survival

How to get ready for the end of the world Are you prepared for anything that might happen? We present to you” The Ultimate Guide to Doomsday Preparation: Survive and…

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9 Street Survival Skills: Urban Mindset

80% of the U.S. Population live in Urban/Suburban Areas. Have the right mindset about Survival can save your life during a crisis. #Urbansurvival #SHTF #Survival Sootch00 Facebook Live Every Tuesday…

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