9 Group Bug-Out Ideas that Worked in the 1800s

The idea of bugging out in the case of a disaster isn’t new. There have been many times when people left their homes throughout human history due to one disaster…

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After the Bug Out

While we may be able to survive a few months or even a few years by ourselves, for society to continue, we need to gather together with others, building community…

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How To Bug-In: What You Need To Know To Survive A Grid Down Disaster

I think this is valuable information to know, a lot of us have plans to bug out but a lot of us have not. What … The post How To…

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Bug in Bag Guide: Why You Need One And 33 Items To Store

Before we get to why I’d recommend that everyone who pursues some degree of preparedness should have a bug in bag, I want to run … Read moreBug in Bag…

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Building a Bug Out Roll: 4 Reasons to Have One, and Gear to Include

In a nutshell, you can think of a Bug Out Roll as behaving similarly to a tool roll. It’s a compact and secure way to … Read moreBuilding a Bug…

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When Should You Apply Your Bug-Out Plan?

When a natural disaster occurs, bugging out may be the only logical and proper decision you can make since it is the only thing that can help you survive. The…

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5 Best Practices To Follow Whether You Bug In Or Bug Out

No matter what the SHTF event might be, if it becomes a threat to the physical integrity and overall, the well-being of your family, you will have to act.

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