Survival Shelter No No’s: What not to do when setting up camp!

Like what you see? Want more? Visit us at.. and as always…. Stay in the Woods, Dan

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Off-the-Grid Living: Truck Camping as a Survivalist Retreat for Retirees

Living the survivalist lifestyle means that you are fully prepared for any eventuality. This means you’ve spent countless hours creating shelters, storing food, and rigging up backup generators in case…

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Control What You Can Control & Prepping Tips

In tonights video I’ll be going over some tips from people who have been prepping for a while about how to maintain your prepping ballance, and which direction to go…

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Defending Your Survival Retreat

Protecting one’s home and family is a crucial component of success planning. We discuss what weapons are best for success, how to make our homes harder to break into, and…

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Winter Survival Shelter Guide

Could you build a winter survival shelter if you found yourself in a life-or-death situation out in a remote, freezing cold forest? In a winter … The post Winter Survival…

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How to Escape a Compromised Survival Shelter

Access to a stocked survival shelter means the difference between life and death in an emergency. Unfortunately, your safe spot is only as good as its security. The post How…

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Small Town Or Isolated Retreat? Where Should You Prep?

Every prepper must plan for a survival retreat or a bug out location since this is the most logical and safest way to go in case you are forced to…

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How To Build DIY Survival Shelters To Survive Through The Night

While knowing how to build shelter from the woods around you is important and impressive, we have easy to pack materials that are more effective. The ability to build shelters…

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How to Build A Wickiup

Building a survival shelter is a crucial part of any preppers plan. To be prepared you need to know how to shelter yourself in both the urban landscape and the…

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