Peak Mental Illness: Parents Locking Kids in Quarantine Because Schools Told Them To Do It for Virus Protection!

Peak Mental Illness: Parents Locking Kids in Quarantine Because Schools Told Them To Do It for Virus Protection! With public schools opening under limited ‘in-person’ learning, public schools are telling…

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St. Louis Police Seize McCloskeys’ Firearms

[Photo source:] In an alarming turn of events, police have stolen (er, “confiscated”) the firearms which were used by the now-legendary “pink polo shirt couple” to defend their home…

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The Best Community Emergency Plans Preppers Need

According to John Leach, 80% of disaster victims freeze up in emergencies, taking no action at all. Having a plan makes you three times more likely to survive

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Is The Second Wave Upon Us?

I’ve already self-quarantined twice; the first time because I had what turned out to be the flu and the second time because a relative was potentially infected.

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How The U.S. Would Look Like Without The Police Force

Us seeing the police and government officials abandon part of a city, turning it over to what has now been labeled a terrorist group, is mind-boggling.

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