SHOT Show 2022 Party List: Networking Events, Parties, and Meetups at SHOT

SHOT Show 2022 Celebration List: Networking Events, Events, and Meetups at PHOTO After a lengthy two year wait, PHOTO Show is back! For those who are going to, here are…

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5 Tips for Ladies New to Concealed Carrying

Being armed for your own defense is a big decision that needs careful consideration and planning, and I’m not just talking about looking good wearing it. The post 5 Tips…

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Buying a House with Tenants: A Quick Guide

Each investment property has its own set of risks and rewards, and this is especially true if your property already has rent-paying tenants, allowing you to begin collecting rental income…

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Firearms: Pros and Cons for Home Defense

Each firearm has advantages and disadvantages in your home environment, and we should look into this before you decide what gun you’ll get. The post Firearms: Pros and Cons for…

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Biden’s Gun Control Executive Orders

It’s not surprising that President Biden went after guns this early in his presidency. After all, gun control was one of the most significant points he had in his campaign…

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Is Concealed Carry (CCW) Insurance Worth It?

The worth of carrying a concealed carry weapons insurance policy is probably among the most often asked questions by new CCW license holders.  The answers … Read moreIs Concealed Carry…

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How to Care for Your Teeth When the SHTF

Have you thought about your teeth for after life as you know it ends? With other things on your mind, caring for your teeth might not be your first priority….

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Republicans and Democrats Join Forces Against We The People: D.C. Turned into Militarized Zone

Republicans and Democrats Join Forces Against We The People: D.C. Turned into Militarized Zone For over a decade we have been writing about the militarization of our country; the institution…

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How to Disaster-Proof Your Apartment

Just because you’re renting your home doesn’t mean you will be spared by a natural disaster—get your apartment ready and you’ll be prepared for anything. The post How to Disaster-Proof…

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How to Survive our Messed-Up Political Landscape

We’re several days past the elections and no clear winner has legally been declared for the presidential race, although the media has made up their mind. The post How to…

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