How to survive rising sea levels in coastal areas

Regardless of one’s social stance on global warming, it is obvious that it exists today and is having an effect on our daily lives. Wildfires are just a year-round happening…

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How to survive rising sea levels in coastal areas

Regardless of one’s political stance on global warming, it’s undeniable that it is taking place right now, and it is impacting our daily lives. Arid regions are becoming even drier,…

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Drought Survival Tips: How to Survive Drought

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Ernest Shackleton’s Lost Ship Found in Antarctica After 107 Years

Ernest Shackleton’s Lost Ship Found in Antarctica After 107 Years 107 years after Ernest Shackleton’s Endurance was lost to the sea, licking off one of the greatest survival stories ever…

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Ernest Shackleton’s Lost Ship Found in Antarctica After 107 Years

Ernest Shackleton’s Lost Ship Found in Antarctica After 107 Years 107 years after Ernest Shackleton’s Endurance was lost to the sea, licking off one of the greatest survival stories ever…

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Ten things to get you prepared for any flood

We all need to know what to do to prepare for floods, regardless if it’s a flash flood we’re dealing with or a spring flooding. The post Ten things to…

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8 Top Survival Lessons from Antarctica

We need to stop planning and preparing to survive based upon what we’re living with today and start planning and preparing for the kind of life we’re going to have…

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Types of Surfboards: Which Board Should You Ride?

Surfboards are the ultimate wave riding machines. They have a huge effect on your experience in the waves and enable you to enjoy a deep connection to the sea in…

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Is It Illegal To Camp On The Beach. What Are You Risking?

The sound of the ocean waves, a BBQ under the stars and nothing but everything that Mother Nature has to offer; what could be more relaxing and beautiful than camping…

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How To Survive If You Live Near The Coastline

The coastline can offer various options for the survivalist, and if I would personally have the chance to select such a survival location, I would go with a sub-tropical, wind-ward…

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