Surviving through Severe Water Shortages

We don’t usually talk about it in the prepper community, but having enough water in any survival situation starts with making sure that we’re not wasting water. The post Surviving…

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How To Be Self-Sufficient in the Wilderness

While there are certain obvious things one needs to carry into the wilderness to subsist with what Mother Nature offers, knowledge still remains your primary tool. The post How To…

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Climate Change – The enemy we keep on fighting

Global warming or climate change is an old enemy we keep fighting without entirely aware of its whole existence. The post Climate Change – The enemy we keep on fighting…

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How to Stay Out of this Civil Disturbance

While the actions I’m advocating for may seem strange to some of us, there’s a very solid reason behind them. That is, we are survivalists, not a militia. The post…

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What You Need To Know About Your Indoor Garden

Most urban residents don’t have enough space to create at-home green spaces. The only chance they interact with nature is when they visit parks or gardens.

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