You’ve Been Scammed: CDC admits Positive Antibody Tests may just be Common Cold!

You’ve Been Scammed: CDC admits Positive Antibody Tests may just be Common Cold! As the world goes into the second wave of lockdown frenzy, pushed by treasonous politicians that are…

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Is The Second Wave Upon Us?

I’ve already self-quarantined twice; the first time because I had what turned out to be the flu and the second time because a relative was potentially infected.

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A Guide to Veterinary Drugs for Human Consumption

In times of uncertainty, we humans like to stockpile and hoard.  We seek information that will keep us safe and provide for our well-being. It’s not a big secret that veterinary…

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Guide to Making Activated Charcoal

Anyone living off the grid or preparing for a major disaster should learn about activated charcoal. Why? Because it could literally save your life. Emergency rooms all over the world…

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