Prepping Tip #2: Food Storage Prep #prepping #foodstorage #shtf #prepper #prepperpantry


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Should it be every man for himself when the SHTF?

I strongly believe that the behavior of the interpersonal elements residing in the affected area, rather than the calamitous event, may pose the greatest threat when dealing with a SHTF…

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SHTF Plan: Step-By-Step Guide To Surviving Any Disaster

The time for planning has passed when disaster strikes and the SHTF( sh * t hits the fan ), so you need to be prepared to rock and roll. Purchasing…

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Prepping tips Food Storage and SHTF Plan

We started prepping. Worried about inflation, rising food prices and the overall state of the economy not only the US but the world economic crises. Knowing where to start can…

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Avoid These Places When SHTF | Prepping Tips

In SHTF it’s important to not only know where to go but where NOT to go. Bugout plans should be straight forward between two points. You should not have to…

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