DHS Bulletin: If you Oppose Covid-19 Mandates or Believe Election Fraud You Might Be a Terrorist

DHS Bulletin: If you Oppose Covid-19 Mandates or Believe Election Fraud You Might Be a Terrorist A new terror alert was issued on Friday, August 13th 2021 by the Department…

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Department of Homeland Security Offers Isolation and Quarantine of Rural America Training Course

Department of Homeland Security Offers Isolation and Quarantine of Rural America Training Course This week we learned that the Center for Rural Development, a DHS/ FEMA training provider, has launched…

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FEMA Is Preparing for a Solar Storm That Would Take Out the Grid

FEMA is preparing. They are always preparing. That’s what they do. What they do a really bad job of is communication. In this case, they … The post FEMA Is…

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