Making a One Month Emergency Food Stockpile: DIY Approach

There are many companies out there that offer a variety of emergency or survival foods options. Some of them are good and some of them … Read moreMaking a One…

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12 Places You Must Avoid During A Disaster + What To Do Instead

People live and work closely together daily, but when SHTF, all these people you’re used to will surely become a danger and a threat to your survival.

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How A Perfectly Chosen Knife Can Save You In The Wilderness

Hopefully, you never have to go toe to toe with a wild animal to defend yourself, but if you do, here are some tips that might help you keep your…

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Survival Fishing Kit DIY: Hands-On Experience

When it comes to acquiring calories in a survival situation it is hard to beat fishing for calories gained versus calories expended. This is why … Read moreSurvival Fishing Kit…

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Emergency Power Options for Your Home

Do not make the mistake of assuming you can live without power. A backup emergency power system is a sensible solution to this problem, and these systems don’t have to…

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29 Everyday Items to Stockpile For Survival

When an emergency event happens and throws us into survival mode, items will quickly disappear from the shelves of your local store.  Depending on the … Read more29 Everyday Items…

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9 Survival Garden Plants You Didn’t Know You Need

When all is said and done, there are hundreds to thousands of plants that you may feel belong in a survival garden. Choosing just a handful is necessary

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Best AR15 Multitool: The Ins, The Outs, and the All Abouts

If you routinely shoot an AR15 or one of the many hybrid versions of this popular rifle, then you understand the technical issues that face … Read moreBest AR15 Multitool:…

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Fake Pandemic Phase 2: They’ve launched an All-Out Attack on Our Country!

Fake Pandemic Phase 2: They’ve launched an All-Out Attack on Our Country! The latest wave of coronavirus fear porn is raging through the media; this time it looks like they…

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How To Survive Any SHTF Scenario When Stuck At Work

Any effort you spend now will save you a lot of time during a real emergency, and you may circumvent having to take some decisions that are hard to live…

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