How To Protect Your Livestock When SHTF: 5 Off-Grid and 5 On-Grid Methods

If you are a prepper, own a homestead, or a farm, then it’s critical to know what you can do before major SHTF situations occur … Read moreHow To Protect…

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How to Install Your Own Off the Grid Well

Water is the most essential thing we need for life. Without water we will die within 3 days. Knowing how to install a water well is vital if not the…

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18th Century Meat Storage Methods For Off Grid Prepping

Nothing can beat the good old traditional meat storage methods for food prepping. Learn more about them here! Traditional and Effective Meat Storage Methods In a true off-grid situation, everything…

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22 Essential Tools You Need To Live Off-Grid

And while there are plenty of books and resources on the Internet that tell you how to “do” off-grid living, there isn’t a whole lot on how to “prepare”.

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