18 Survival Foods for Novice Preppers

In this article, I’ve listed a couple of survival foods that I’ve added to my pantry over the years. Some of these foods are grossly overlooked by folks, especially those…

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What Household Tools you Need for Survival

Most preppers today have settled on a plan to bug in, rather than bug out, for most survival scenarios. That makes a lot of sense, when possible, because home provides…

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8 Skillsets that Separate Novice Preppers from Advanced Survivalists

It takes more than just getting resources and survival gear to be prepared. It should be a natural consequence of practicing life skills to have your products and hoard organized;…

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Top 8 Risks Preppers Face In The Wilderness

Every prepper, regardless of his situation, be it a result of natural disasters or getting lost in the wilderness, will have to face a variety of threats. The post Top…

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How Preppers Should Be Buying In Bulk

If you have preppers in your group, this work becomes much easier since most of us have no problem getting larger bags and store them long-term at home. The post…

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