Bill Gates & Globalist Elites pushing Lockdowns & Masks until End of 2022

Bill Gates & Globalist Elites pushing Lockdowns & Masks until End of 2022 Bill Gates is now pushing for draconian lockdowns, masks and social distancing polices until the end of…

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Was Trump put in place to Pacify Patriots, and Destroy the United States of America?

Was Trump put in place to Pacify Patriots, and Destroy the United States of America? It was NEVER 4D CHESS. And QAnon was a ruse to make you look stupid!…

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They want to Purge Patriots! Olberman Calls for Trump Supporters to be Removed from Society

They want to Purge Patriots! Olberman Calls for Trump Supporters to be Removed from Society Following the election, many on the left want Trump supporters arrested and “removed from our…

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