today we hit the hard water and spend the day and night chasing after fish! join me as we have a ton of fun and cook some good food 🙂 also.. make sure to check out the scavenger hunt below!!!
Jigs & Bigs Podcast April 2024 Nationwide Multi Species Scavenger Hunt on Fishing Chaos: https://share.fishingchaos.com/tournament/5xkESlZamC7Ya8kHFoeM
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Click here to find everything I use for camping :)!
my instagram: https://instagram.com/fishingwithbecca?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Skye’s instagram: https://www.instagram.com/skyethegoldenpuppy?igshid=YzVkODRmOTdmMw==
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P.O. box 6841
Warwick, RI 02887
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