SOLO CAMP | Survival FoOD CHAIN FISHING!!! *BEST Catfish Campfire Cooking Method

OOOOOOOOO DANG what a good time.

Out in the woods, no , no one coming to rescue us, no hope to get back to civilization; what do we do!? We eat like KINGS!

This week, I wanted to test my . I brought no bait; only hooks, rod and reel and fished my way up the chain until we had a feast fit for a River Baron, Reservoir Royalty or a Creek Count. Using our knowledge of basic, simple, and easy to utilize we quickly have all the calories needed to happily exist for the day in nature.

Catfish was our ultimate quarry however we needed to start with the wiggling worm. Which we quickly sourced under the rotten logs and broken boulders of my local camp environment. Upon the procurement of our slimy composters we fished the Lake shore and quickly found bedding Bluegill and green sunfish. These protein rich pan fish were then chopped into cut bait that we used to find BIG Blue Catfish also bedding down for the early May spawn. We certainly got lucky with such a great specimen.

What a day to be alone and learn about catfish cooking methods over an open flame. Cooking catfish over a campfire can be very easy or very difficult. We chose an intermediate method and though it is a little more time intensive. However, with a little patients and work the end result is well worth it. Ponass Catfish is by far the best method I have ever used to cook a fish over an open campfire, one that I will be using again and again without a doubt.

I hope you enjoy my woodland adventure this week,

Next week we are back on the boat slayin big cats,




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