SHTF in the Suburbs

During SHTF, are the cities still feasible? This frequently asked question has Bear unpacking his response.
For those who are preparing for SHTF WROL or other natural disasters, discusses logical and wise techniques and problems. A prepper needs to be ready for SHTF, whether it’s an economic decline, crisis, civil unrest, military laws, food crisis, war, shortage of food, EMP or CME, black swan event, or anything else.

We are talking about SHTF WROL now because you need to be prepared for it whether you’re a Viking prepper, Canadian Preparer, into town prepping, or just regular people. Tap out bags, bugging out generally, food storage, protection, communications, emergency , , budget, gardening, bushcraft, end times, Torah, , EDC, and all the other topics we discuss on this channel are typical prepper concerns.

Weekly New Testament and Old Testament Shabbat Bible observations, updates on Tribe or MAG Leadership, Gear Reviews, Gardening Tips, Real World Experience, and fictitious doomer movie are all available by subscription.
At this point, we hold that Yeshua is the Messiah, Jesus is Christ, and YHWH is anointed. The Torah of YHWH, which was given to Moshe ( Moses) and retaught by Yeshua Messiah, Jesus Christ, is what we teach and preach. As Torah Observant Christians, it is our philosophical tenet that we should uphold the Torah to the best of our ability and refrain from abusing the joy provided by our Messiah Yeshua, Jesus the Christ, through the atoning sacrifice of YHWH The Father. We are devoted Bible followers who uphold the Torah of YHWH The Father, as taught by Yeshua Messiah, rather than radical Hebrew Israelites who have distorted the Father’s words to suit their racial and political ideas.
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