Should you buy a 2 person tent for Solo Wild Camping?

Should you buy a for ? This is a dilemma many of us backpackers share when going out solo camping. Choosing a is difficult and often depends on where we are going , the forecast for our backpacking trip and our personal wants and needs.

To help explain the differences between a and I’ve used the extremely popular Wild Country Helm 1 and 2. These can be used for light winter camping.

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Helm Compact 2

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Things to consider when choosing a 1 or 2 person for solo camping:
Where you are camping – low or high level
When you are camping – what season
The weather – wind or rain
Your size – short or tall
Your wants and needs – this is personal to you
Your – how much do you take
Tent weight and pack size

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Thanks, Andy.

#camping #wildcamping #solocamping

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