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It’s time to keep money this fall with some simple, doable conservative tricks, even though the weather is still warm inside. We walk you through our mother’s shopping and preparation schedule for the future colder months in this film.
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Prepare Your Home for Winter by visiting https :// www.youtube.com / watch? v = 9qrhRpgqDMg & t = 52s & ab_ channel = UndertheMedian
Easy Frugal Ways to Reduce Costs and Increase Savings: https:// www.youtube.com / watch? v = FuswcAecYxU & t = 3s & ab_ channel = UndertheMedian
Winter Power Outages( Series ): https :// www.youtube.com / watch? v = xAjGf _ PNWY8 & list = PLCom1FJcZQnd4H3NC16mHPkj7 _ ZZ5jvdQ & ab _ channel = UndertheMedian
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Hope and Larry are two people who value functional prudence. Debt-free, we raised our four children, including paying money for our house when our salary was significantly below the national average. Listen to us here on YouTube and visit us at our site and on social media for advice on saving money, budget, paying off debt, and setting objectives( while living with a spirit of happiness and abundance ).
Only our thoughts are expressed in the knowledge on Under the Median. We are never physicians, nurses, experts, or purchase specialists. Every piece of content on Under the Median is only for educational reasons. If you have any questions about anything you’ve seen or heard on our YouTube channel, make sure to use due diligence and often get in touch with a specialist. Be cautious when following the directions in this movie. Any negative effects that may result from the use of any process on this line will not be the responsibility of the video’s creator or publisher.
Creekmur caveat: Under the Median’s opinions are the only ones expressed in this film; they do not represent those of Crewmur Asset Management, LLC( CAM LLC ). Only properly registered individuals may use the investment advisory services provided by Creekmur Asset Management, LLC( CAM LLC ), a Registered Investment Adviser. Risk is involved in trading, including the possible reduction of principal. In times of declining values, no purchase strategy may protect against loss or assure a profit. Under the Median and CAM LLC are no related companies. Full Disclosure: https :// creekmurwealth.com / disclaimer
Please use this email address: hope @ underthemedian.com for all inquiries.