Reaction to Canadian Prepper’s 50lb. #bugoutbag | Is it practical? 🎒 #shtf

Bugoutbag # # preparation # survival
The 50-pound glitch out bag from Canadian was just reviewed.
Since the average person is neither a bushcrafter nor an experienced outdoorsman, I don’t think that case is realistic or an effective cleaning solution when it comes to # emergencypreparedness.
You can watch my entire response video at https :// / bydjYYZXVHY.
The original video can be found here: https :// / watch? v = dvx3C7R-R60
Everyone should have an disaster preparedness plan because the times we live in are vulnerable. Subscribe to https :// / channel / UC5VN0V3gFSln1N __ OSfRTAw for more helpful preparation advice.

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