R.I.P Jeff Quinn of GunBlast.com; His Site Will Live on

(Image: Screenshot from video)

On July 27, 2020, a fellow gun writer and all-around good guy left the earth for good. His name is , and he started with his brothers Boge and back in 2000, just two years after I began my outdoor writing career. Jeff’s website has endured for two decades, while other websites have come and gone. That’s pretty dang good.

Jeff was well-known in the online gun community, which is pretty much all of today’s gun community — and best of all from my point of view, I could feel confident that anything he wrote or reported was accurate. This cannot always be said of “gun writers.”

I didn’t know him personally, but by all accounts was kind and generous as well as conscientious in his work. I’m glad to know GunBlast will continue to go on, as Jeff wished.

I’m thankful that Jeff is no longer in pain, and I know his work will live on for others to learn from and enjoy.

I will let Jeff’s brother take over from here, in the form of a video eulogy.

Rest easy, Mr. Quinn.

The post R.I.P of ; His Site Will Live on appeared first on AllOutdoor.com.

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