Getting ready for your family’s life with canned products? What happens if some of the Survival Food in your Prepper Pantry is past its Best Buy meeting or has expired before the SHTF function you are preparing for?
I’m going to start, cook, and feed a can of soup that has been expired by five years in this movie. In other words, I’ve kept this is in store for at least seven times.
** You can buy me a latte if you’d like.
http :// ChefPrepper / buymeacoffee.com
Sterno Stove: https :// amzn.to / 3JZMsBz
Coghlan’s Stove: https :// amzn.to / 3NRDgjM
Video You Did Enjoy: **
Best Sterno Fuel: https:// www.youtube.com / watch? v = r5_ bhY5oFaQ & t = 438s
Canned Meat For Survival: http :// www.youtube.com / watch? v = lRi _ Wp4tkFY & t = 29s
https :// www.youtube.com / watch? v = GbgPpCEmbNg & t = 1s, The Best Canned Roast Beef
The Best Canned Survival Food is available at https :// www.youtube.com / watch? vH78j1owRvs & t = 31s
How Much Does Foods in Cannes Last? ** **
http :// www.usda.gov / media / blog / 2013 / 06 / 27 / you-toss-food-wait-check-it-out #: text = Most % 20shelf % 2Dstable % 40foods % 50are, or 20 % develop % 20 % 20an % 80 % 20flavor
https:// www.foodnetwork.com / healthyeats / Healthy-tips / 2019 / 08 / how-long-is-canned-food-good-after-expiration-date
http :// www.foodbankrockies.org / blog / okay-eat-canned-food-expired
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