Prepping tips From The Community – What Say You?

If we are pursuing holiness and letting the Heavenly Father guide us, we don’t need to be concerned. Let the planet stress while we prepare as the Father commands. Family, stay preparing!
Contact me at mcheffer1 @ Please put BIBLE in the Subject area to let me know it is a Bible request, thank you) if you need one.
Visit us for the brand-new fact line, please. It’s undoubtedly a trip that will open your eyes. Shalom.
Part 1 of” The Jew, the Negro, Father Yah, and the Covenant” is available at https :// / live / D5XGObZf79c? feature = share.
Part 2 of” The Jew, the Negro, Father Yah, and the Covenant” is available at https :// / live / r– 6ARk9gq8? feature = share.
Bible Family Tree Link: http :// / diary / bible_ family _ tree.gif
The writers, resources, and opinions expressed on This is Me-Mary C network do not accurately reflect those of this channel. This post of videos and videos is solely for education purposes.
to get in touch with me
O. P. Box 291
Illinois’ Joliet 60434
mcheffer1 @
website is my online store.
Please understand that the Most High God will and can use anyone even a dumb beast( Numbers 22 : 28 ) to get his message across. Some of these artists are being used for The Most High’s function. He chooses who he may. I can only go along with his program and I will sit up and be still as his would is done. This does not think I condone or support any of these stars. My interests are as always with The Most Great God.
Thank you and thank you! ❤❤
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