Veteran and Patriot-owned Expedition Joe Coffee is available at http :// tinyurl.com / 3p7uv2y6
https :// www.patreon.com / Setaparthomestead is where I find my PatReon channel.
Genuine Berkey Water System: http :// tinyurl.com / 49kehcz6
Dry food and supplies from my Patriot Supply Emergency ice-
http :// www.preparewithtravis.com
My VPN company is having a spring sales! I’ve teamed up with VYPR VPN, a VPN service that is hosted in Switzerland and is among the best and most reliable! http :// www.dpbolvw.net / click-100304309-13868741
Private Forums: http :// thepreparedhomestead.freeforums.net
https :// www.patreon.com / Setaparthomestead
Begin your self-sufficient farm off right with True Leaf Market’s excellent deals on non-GMO Natural Heritage Vegetable and Plant seeds. Order them while you still have the chance! 8-11415-236211-153185 http :// www.pjtra.com
https :// tinyurl.com / 49kehcz6 – Berkey Water Filters
https :// bit.ly / 2ZnkwzI AlexaPure Water Filter
https :// t.me / joinchat / D3soFWTlyytXibT6 Private Telegram group invite link
My email address is preparedhomestead @ protonmail.com.
Address – PayPal
Gmail address Setaparthomestead19
Here are some links to some fantastic businesses that sell goods that could aid you in your preparation trip. I might get a little fee at no cost to you if you decide to buy from these links. With this extra cash, we can produce more information for you. I’m grateful!
I’ve teamed up with My Patriot Supply to give you fantastic offers on Ready Hour long-term foods, some of the best and most affordable per calorie options available. Visit http :// www.preparewithtravis.com to get$ 100 off a four-week emergency food supply.
Link now:
https :// thepreparedhomestead.com is the website.
Facebook- http :// www.facebook.com / readyhomesteading
Private Forums- http :// thepreparedhomestead.freeforums.net
Subscribe to the newsletter at https :// mailchi.mp / 3ac4f6338b1f / thepreparedhomestead.
Send me an email at preparedhomestead @ gmail.com.
Twitter @ thepreparedhom1 is where you can follow me.