So I decided to go WAY off topic this week and chat a bit about what I focus on and make sure I have at the very beginning of hurricane season. Been through a few of them and have learned a lot. This past storm was a monster and although there isn’t much you can do if a cat 5 is over your island for several hours, but for all other scenarios, its always a good idea to prepare for loosing power for a few days. Been there, done that, and trust me, its know picnic.
Some of the things I talk about (and links to them) are listed below 🙂
5 gallon collapsable jugs
Emergency Food supply
Butane Stove
Weather Alert radio
Bug out bag
A few links for prep lists
Channels of the week!
Jeff Piotrowski (#blueshed)
Josh Morgerman
Global Empowerment Mission
Website and much more:
Website: http:///mdsimages.com
Portfolio: https://mdsimages.myportfolio.com
Tutorials: http://mdsimages.com/tutorials/
Follow me on social networks here:
Instagram: http://instagram.com/mdsimages
Twitter : http://twitter.com/MDSimages
Facebook: http://facebook.com/MichaelSteighner
Flickr : http://www.flickr.com/photos/mdsimages/
500px: http://500px.com/MDSimages
Gear that I like and use (affiliate links):
B&H Store: http://bhpho.to/1vhW0t9
Amazon Store: http://amzn.to/1pLhaz5
KelbyOne: http://bit.ly/RQvSFf
Topaz Plugins: http://bit.ly/1rZhdFM
I make few coins on some products and services that I talk about on this channel through affiliate relationships with the merchants in question. I get a small commission on sales of those products.That in no way affects my opinion of those products and services ☺