Check out what we learned from a single, low-income, resourceful lady who lives in a mobile home on the coast of Florida. Her brilliant ideas have enabled her to be well-prepared on a small budget. A huge thanks to Susan for sharing her wisdom and preps with us!
**Check out these posts that may help you prepare on a budget at TheProvidentPrepper.org
Be Prepared! How to Build the Best First Aid Kit for Your Family
Packaging Dry Foods in Plastic Bottles for Long-Term Food Storage
6 Lifesaving Tips to Keep Warm During a Winter Power Outage
Poor Man’s Greenhouse – A Guide to Winter Seed Sowing
Thermal Cookers: Powerful Solution for Efficient Emergency Cooking
Candles as an Emergency Fuel Source for Warmth, Light, and Cooking
Skills and Knowledge That Make Prepper Resilient and Self-Reliant
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