POTD: A German Mystery Revolver- H. Hensel. Breslau

Welcome to today’s Photo of the Day! On the docket this time around is a truly curious bit of craftsmanship. The H. Revolver. At one point a gentleman had sold this revolver to a gunshop I work at. He very obviously had bought it on a whim from a gun show or an auction since it had a tag attached to it that read “German Revolver, Taken from a soldier.” It had my attention so I bought it with the intent of preserving whatever was left of it.

The revolver itself is very mysterious in that when I had bought it I did not know an origin nor could I find one beyond its two markings: “H. . Breslau” and a German proof mark. I had done as much looking into this gun as I could and I published my findings on a Wheelgun Wednesday on our TheFirearmBlog. I had no idea that something fantastic would happen next.

I ended up touching base with the great-great-grandson of the manufacturer of this revolver, and his father and he have been researching their family’s firearm history. Something that was very cool is he told me this is the only H. revolver he has ever seen. I plan to do both a follow-up to my Wheelgun Wednesday article on TFB, but someday also a Curious Relics where I can better and more fully go through everything I know pertaining to this revolver and its makers. It may be a while but it will happen so stay tuned!

The post POTD: A German Mystery Revolver- . Breslau appeared first on AllOutdoor.com.

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