This video is about our favourite top 10 camping tips, created with support from our wonderful Patrons and the great folks at Algonquin Outfitters! By the way, AO’s currently running a Safe Paddling Photo Contest from now until October 14 2019 – just upload a photo of you and a friend wearing your lifejacket or PFD! You can check it out here!: https://algonquinoutfitters.com/contest/safe-paddling-photo-contest/
Also, check out our “How to canoe camp in Algonquin Park” video, which includes a handy index of time codes to help you find the trip planning info you’re looking for: https://youtu.be/mTNV761BtgM
Please consider supporting our channel through Patreon with special bonus rewards for Patrons here!: https://www.patreon.com/chrisprouse
Our adventure t-shirts!: https://www.redbubble.com/people/chrisprouse/works/35407955-the-chris-prouse-here-since-now-adventure-t-shirt?rbs=07da20fd-403f-48ad-9bc1-63c29475616e
Please remember to like, comment and subscribe, or perhaps share the video with others if you enjoyed it – we really appreciate all your help! Thank you! 🙂