Get an A+ on your first day back at school with these 15 HACKS. #MomHacks #BacktoSchool #StaplesStores Products shown linked below! Staples has you covered this Back to School season with the latest trends, colors and patterns. School essentials are guaranteed in stock all season long and at the lowest prices with the 110% in-store price match – find your nearest Staples store here or shop online at http://www.staples.com/backtoschool.
FLOWER BACKPACK: http://bit.ly/stapleslola
VERTICAL FILE FOLDER: http://bit.ly/staples7pocket
UNICORN BACKPACK: http://bit.ly/staplesunicorn
CHALKBOARD LABELS: http://bit.ly/stapleschalkboard
ROLL-ON GLUE: http://bit.ly/staplesgluetape
BATTERY POWERED PENCIL SHARPENER: http://bit.ly/staplessharpener
(Caddy Items)
ELMER’S GLUE: http://bit.ly/stapleselmers
PENCILS: http://bit.ly/staplesticonderoga
CRAYONS: http://bit.ly/staplescrayons
PENS: http://bit.ly/staplespens
MARKERS: http://bit.ly/staplesmarkers
SCISSORS: http://bit.ly/staplesscissors
(Homework Tray)
STICKERS: http://bit.ly/staplesstickers
STAPLES PENCILS: http://bit.ly/stapleswoodpenc
DRY ERASE MARKERS: http://bit.ly/staplesdry
PENCIL CASE: http://bit.ly/staplescase
WASHI TAPE: http://bit.ly/stapleswashi
PAPER CLIPS: http://bit.ly/staplesclips
STORAGE POCKET: http://bit.ly/staplesstorage
(Scavenger hunt):
SHARK BACKPACK: http://bit.ly/staplesshark
CLIPBOARD: http://bit.ly/staplesclipboard
SHARK LUNCHBOX: http://bit.ly/staplessharklunch
POST-ITS: http://bit.ly/staplespost
Voiceover provided by www.femalevoiceover.com
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This episode of Mom Hacks ℠ is sponsored by Staples!