Here are effective study tips and study techniques for exams! // With exams and assignments piling up, succeed in school with tools like Grammarly! Sign up for a FREE account and get 20% off Grammarly Premium: https://grammarly.com/fayefilms
Many of you are having Board Exams 2022 and SPM 2022 in March, therefore I decided to create this video filled with exam tips to help you out~
In this video, we talk about how to cram for exams, how to learn a topic quickly, time management tips for exams, an effective xam study schedule, how to use videos and summary sheets to study quickly, and so much more!
Hope you like these last minute exam tips~
🔴 Links to all my favourite things: https://www.amazon.com/shop/fayefilms
I’m always updating you guys on my journey to university in Australia on Instagram (insta: @ngfayee) so be sure to follow me there!
– INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/ngfayee
If you are reading this, be sure to LIKE the video and subscribe! Welcome to the family~
🟣 S U B S C R I B E: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsJfDna-9xsG-NmM0kwgEkg?view_as=subscriber
🟣 I N S T A G R A M: https://www.instagram.com/ngfayee
🟣 E M A I L (business inquires and fan art ONLY): zach@smallscreenmarketing.com
🟣 LINK TO MY DISCORD: https://discord.gg/P3jaZFBuKZ
Discord is a place where:
1) We do study livestreams almost everyday
2) We can share study tips and advice for school/uni/college/mental health
3) We can chit-chat
🔵T I M E S T A M P S
0:00 Intro
1:05 EXAM TIP 1: How to answer exam questions perfectly
1:58 EXAM TIP 2: How to study your textbook FAST
3:08 EXAM TIP 3: Improve your essays
4:37 TIME MANAGEMENT EXAM TIP 4: Exam study timetable
5:47 EXAM TIP 4: How to study a topic or chapter FAST
🟠P R O D U C T L I N K S
[🌟 = highly recommend]
Ring Binders used for my notes 🌟
Bluetooth Keyboard and Mouse 🌟
[MY; set] https://shp.ee/xne4i7f
[International; keyboard] https://amzn.to/2RGayJn
[International; mouse] https://amzn.to/3adXlxI
iPad Case (protects iPad and Apple Pencil) 🌟
[MY] https://shp.ee/iw2v8z2
[International] https://amzn.to/3mNqO6y
[International; more colours] https://amzn.to/32huuEs
ipad Bag (same as mine but MUCH cheaper) 🌟
[MY] https://shp.ee/bwvekbi [MY]
[International] https://amzn.to/32eiMKA
IPad Stand
[MY] https://shp.ee/5py2ufr
[International] https://amzn.to/2QoQgn0
Laptop Stand (mine is rose gold) 🌟
[MY] https://shp.ee/56sey2s
[International] https://amzn.to/3dkd7sL
Laptop Case
[MY] https://shp.ee/bav4eqf
[International] https://amzn.to/32ep24T
🟢Productivity & Motivation videos:
🟢Study-related & Study Tip videos:
🟢Painting videos:
Thank you for your overwhelming support. Our family is small right now, but I assure you that when this channel grows, I’ll still remember the ones who had supported me since the beginning x
Sub count: 376k ( If you’re reading this, comment “stressed about exams”)
Name: Faye
Age: 20
Nationality: Malaysian
🟠M U S I C
♪ Lamp (Prod. by Lukrembo)
Link : https://youtu.be/ZwyWgwUjYoY
🟠K E Y W O R D S
#examtips #lastminuteexamtips #grammarly #howtoscorestraightAs #studytips #howtostudyforexams #SPM2022 #boardexams2022
*note: some of these are affiliate links, meaning I make a small commission from your purchase at no additional cost to you. Your support ensures that I can reduce the financial burden of my parents and continue making high quality videos for you. Thank you x