Is the Mr. Heater Buddy Safe for Winter Camping in a Tent? Carbon Monoxide/Oxygen Test

Is the Mr. Buddy safe for me to use in my for winter snow camping? It’s time to find out.

After spending over 100 nights in my in the winter, I finally decided to test out the safety of the Mr. Buddy that I’ve relied on for so many nights of snow camping.

In this video, I conduct a 12 hour “stress test” to see how high I can get Carbon () levels in my fully enclosed . Additionally relevant is the (O2) levels in the tent, since as you burn propane you also use up .

Link to the Buddy:

00:00 Intro
00:30 Is It Safe?
00:40 Test Setup
01:32 Disclaimer
01:50 12 Hour Timelapse
02:45 The Results

#snowcamping #winter #rooftoptents #mrheater

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