How to Survive a Monkey Attack | Primates Survival Tips

One of the most brilliant yet aggressive animals in the world is the monkey. They may become violent and even attack you when provoked! Do you know how to defend yourself if this occurs? Continue reading to find out how to live a monkey harm.

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How to Avoid a Monkey Strike

Monkey Opens its Mouth | How to Avoid a Monkey Strike

1. Would Not Flee.

A Woman and a Girl Feed Monkeys on the Side | How to Avoid a Monkey Strike

It overcomes your concern if you come across an aggressive chimp that approaches you or perhaps jumps on you. Prevent frightening, yelling, fighting, pushing, looking someone in the eye, or turning away. The chimp is standing its ground and not seeking conflict.

To avoid escalating their violent instincts, prevent making them uncomfortable with you.

Do not work at all! Keep in mind that primates may fight you because they can move up to 30 miles per hour!

Keep your cool, step up, move apart, and refrain from making any noise.

Act as though you are doing your own issue. Act as though you are conversing or gazing at plants. The monkey did gain interest in you and leave you if you do this.

2. 2. Continue Moving

Tourist Man with Long-Tailed Macaques | How to Avoid a Monkey Strike

Although feeding monkeys may seem like a fun task, doing so is dangerous.

It is not a good idea to feed primates nearby. One of the most typical justifications for their attacks on you is this. Monkeys have a keen sense of smell, so they can also taste even if it is contained in containers.

Additionally, if you feed one monkey, other monkeys will likewise approach you. They will probably become aggressive and attack you if you don’t pay them your focus.

They may be ejected from their natural wildlife by feeding primates.

3. Avoid Feeding Them

Tourist with a Backpack Feeds Monkeys | How to Avoid a Monkey Strike

Although feeding primates may seem like a lot of fun, doing so is actually dangerous.

Bringing foods around monkeys is not a good idea because it is one of the most frequent reasons they will harm you. Chimpanzees can still taste the even if it is in a container because they have an acute sense of smell.

Additionally, if you feed one monkey, other monkeys will likewise approach you. They will probably become aggressive and attack you if you don’t pay them your focus.

Additionally, feeding primates may cause them to leave their natural wildlife.

4. Jump into the water.

Japanese Macaque near the Pool | How to Avoid a Monkey Strike

Did you know that swimming is a common trait of primates? Also when entering deep water, some species drown! So dive into the water if you see a body of water nearby and the monkey runs crazy!

Do not, however, become overly accustomed, particularly in a tropical forest. Because while a crocodile may approach you, you may manage to flee an invasion by monkeys. Additionally, alligators can be harmful and attack you, just like monkeys.

5. 5. Display Your Clear Hands to the Monkey

Male Hands Showing Palm | How to Avoid a Monkey Strike

Because they believe you are holding and don’t want to give it to them, some monkeys attack.

Display them your bare hands if you aren’t holding something. However, if you have any food, put it their way rather than at them.

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6. 6. Don’t engage in a tug of war with them.

A Tourist Photographer has Wild Monkeys Climbing All Over Him | How to Avoid a Monkey Strike

Provide something to a chimp if they want it from you. Play tug of war with the monkeys, especially if they are already grabbing your goods.

Remember that primates are naughty and inquisitive animals. But don’t be alarmed! Additionally, they have a limited attention span. Your belongings will be lost, but you can get them back.

7. Pay Attention to Your Body Language

Young Blonde Girl Wearing Casual Clothes | How to Avoid a Monkey Strike

A large grinning is interpreted by primates as hostile and menacing. Therefore, even though they might get adorable, refrain from grinning and flashing your teeth to them. However, sealing your teeth and clenching your teeth indicate warmth.

Keep your activities to a minimum. Aggressive behavior toward them will just result in you being attacked.

8. Clean Your Scars Right Away

Man Provides First Aid for Cutting his Hands | How to Avoid a Monkey Strike

After a chimpanzee attack, if you get any bites, wash them with soap and clean waters before visiting the doctor.

Since monkeys typically spread diseases like hepatitis, monkey bites are hazardous. Therefore, the monkey bit can still be fatal regardless of how small it is.

Additionally, you can also become infected when you taste something because even good monkeys have germs in their mouths.

Additional Advice on Dealing with Chimpanzees

9. Dress Appropriately

Portrait of a Smiling Young Couple Standing on the Street | How to Avoid a Monkey Strike

Make sure you wear plain and simple attire before you go to an neighborhood full of monkeys. Additionally, refrain from bringing luggage or apparel. Wear contact lenses rather of glasses if you have blurry vision.

Monkeys are drawn to whatever with straps, so if they see these things, they might harm you.

10. Take Care When Taking Pictures

Female Photographer and Proboscis Monkey | How to Avoid a Monkey Strike

You now have a beautiful setting, pleasant lighting, and cute primates. What part of the formula is lost? a camera to capture the ideal image.

However, exercise caution when taking photos, specially photographs. If they catch a glimpse of themselves on cameras and believe they are in danger, monkeys might harm you.

Watch OWN’s videos where a person describes how she was mauled by chipanzees:

Monkey problems occur frequently all over the world. Therefore, every survivalist needs to be able to live a monkey harm. By using these suggestions, you can avoid a monkey harm.

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Do you have any additional advice for surviving a monkey harm? In the feedback section above, kindly share your knowledge and anecdotes with us.

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