How to Start Prepping: Tips From Real Preppers

Most articles and videos about how to start will cover what you need. You need this much , this bug-out bag; you must be prepared for this or that.

While all of that is important, there is a whole lot you still need to include if you start from that point. In this video, I want to share some advice from the community about what they would change if they had to start over.

I’ll also elaborate on some of these tips and give my thoughts on how my idea of or has changed. Over the years, my concept of or has evolved and taken on new meanings.

While some basic principles of being prepared have remained the same, such as having emergency kits and knowing basic skills, the emphasis on preparedness has shifted towards a more holistic approach to being ready for any situation.

Additionally, being prepared is not just about being ready for disasters or emergencies but also about adapting to unexpected changes and challenges in daily life.

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