Get back to nature with the Sunlodge Camping Tent for your next family camping trip. This video will demonstrate how to setup your camping tent safely and properly so you don’t hurt yourself or damage your outdoor gear. It requires 2 people and 4 easy steps for assembly.
Your Coleman tent comes with a staff & roll carry bag, color-coded poles, tent body, welcome mat, divider, stakes, and rainfly to properly secure your instant tent & camping gear.
Here’s how to set up a tent in 4 easy steps:
Step 1: Prep your tent
Step 2: Connect poles & clips
Step 3: Attach rainfly
Step 4: Extend guylines & stakeout
The outside is calling and adventure awaits. Answer the call with Coleman.
Want to learn more about Coleman tents and camping gear? Visit us at:
Coleman Tents
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