Get back to nature with the Skydome 8-Person Camping Tent for your next family camping trip. This video will demonstrate how to set up your extra-large Coleman instant tent safely and properly so you don’t hurt yourself or damage your outdoor gear. It requires 2 people, 4 easy steps, and 5 minutes of your time for assembly.
Your Skydome camping tent comes with an expandable carry bag, color-coded awning pole, tent body, gear loft & welcome mat, stakes, and rainfly to properly secure your instant tent & camping gear.
Here’s how to set up a tent in 4 easy steps:
Step 1: Prep your tent
Step 2: Connect poles & clips
Step 3: Attach rainfly
Step 4: Extend guylines & stakeout
The outside is calling and adventure awaits. Answer the call with Coleman.
Want to learn more about Coleman tents and camping gear? Visit us:
Coleman Tents
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