How To Open A Can In An Emergency WITH A SPOON | Prepping Tip | SHTF Tip
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Do you know how to open a can, a canned food without a can opener, this is a tactic a prepping trick, SHTF trick how to open a can when you do not have a can opener. At Riverside Homestead life we teach you fundamental how to on surviving emergencies and bad situations, this is how you open a can with a spoon, have you ever seen anyone open canned foods with a spoon? This is a Emergency style of opening canned foods, maybe you are out and you forgot a can opener find a spoon or anything like a spoon and you will be able to open up a canned food item with this tip.
We give you great prepping tips prepping how to an SHTF how to‘s, this is a must know trick, this is a need to know trick, this type of trick and how to could get you out of a bad predicament if you were to need to get into canned foods when you do not have a can opener, this is a survival skill tactic, this is a survival skill how to get into canned foods without a canned food opener.
This is a good life hack to know, cooking hacks whether you like to can food or eat canned food, but when you’re eating food out of a tin you need a can opener, you can easily use a spoon to eat the canned food, it is a trick to open canned food a tip to open canned food without a can opener it’s how to open canned foods, maybe when you’re camping maybe it’s a can of corn, or you’re planning on cooking and all you have is canned foods This is a great trek on how to open canned foods without a can opener
#howtoopenacaninanemergencywithaspoon #preppingtip #sftftip