In this video, i will show you how to cook camp oven roast chicken with veggies.
The flavours that a camp oven roast chicken provide, is so tasty. Those flavours from a camp oven roast chicken, cant be replicated in your conventional oven at home.
I really enjoy camp oven cooking, and we have been using them in Australia for many years.
The roast chicken that i have cooked in the camp oven tasted amazing.
The flavours that went through the meat while cooking, due to the onion, garlic and herbs that i placed inside the roast chicken, were amazing.
Combine those flavours with the camp oven flavours and it makes for a very tasty camp oven roast chicken.
The veggies that i roasted were also seasoned with garlic and herbs before going into the camp oven for cooking.
After two hours of cooking in the camp oven in my back yard fit pit, i was left with a very nice meal.
Cooking in a camp oven on the campfire, takes so time to get it right.
But, once you do, its a fantastic way of cooking meals while you are out camping with your family, or on your own.