Horror Movie Survival Guide

Happy y’all.

Visit https://linktr.ee/RaccoonTour to pick up some fun limited edition merch before our big release on October 29!

Here we have a few tips on how to make the movie viewing experience enjoyable as well as a boat load of recommendations.

I mean this video is pretty much a ton of recommendations essentially. Some of them get pretty serious towards the end of the video. I had a rough time editing this and revisiting some of them, too. Hot dang.

I have this theory that can be described with any combo of 2 of these 4 descriptors: , gory, goofy, and Ruin Your Day. That pretty much introduces 6 microgenres:

/Goofy is fun silly Halloween stuff that’s lighthearted.

/Gory is a bit more violent and vicious with strong elements.

Spooky/Ruin Your Day is pure misery where the are out to kick your dog, burn your house down, ruin your credit score, and THEN dispatch you and your family.

Goofy/Gory is where all the gleeful and sometimes satirical body lies.

Goofy/Ruin Your Day is… weird. You’ll see.

Finally, there’s Gory/Ruin Your Day which is unadulterated vicious stimuli to make you feel bad for 2 hours. This is intense stuff.

Proceed with caution. This video is a bit more intense than my others.

Also did I mention my band is releasing our debut single on October 29? You should definitely check it out and see us live in , Idaho on the same day if you’re in the neighborhood.


whatever you do, don’t go to bit.ly/NateIsLame.
or bit.ly/NateStore
or Twitter.com/NateIsLame666
or instagram.com/NateIsLame666
it’s bad for your health.

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