If you have spent a fair amount of time out in the field in pursuit of game you know how invaluable a good set of binoculars can be. They help you see things you could not otherwise see with your naked eye or even the optics on your hunting firearm. One tremendous failing in binoculars though is that us, the hunters, often cannot stay still enough to discern if something is a bush or a bedded down deer. Yes, a tripod or shooting sticks can help stabilize yourself so you have a better image to see, but using those additional tools adds weight to your hunting pack. What if your binoculars could automatically stabilize the image you see for you?… How cool would that be! Well, SIG Sauer recently introduced their ZULU6 Electronic Image Stabilizing Binoculars that do just that. Their Press Release statement can be read below:
“Introducing the ZULU6 series of image-stabilized binoculars from SIG SAUER. With its 2-axis gimbal providing razor-sharp optical image stabilization, the ZULU6 compensates for natural human motion providing the clarity of a mounted spotting scope in a handheld, portable package. The ZULU6’s lightweight construction, spectracoat, lenshield, and lensarmor technology means that it is ready for any environment. Available in a 10x and 16x magnification, the ZULU6 is guaranteed to provide extreme clarity with unmatched image stability.“

These new binoculars from SIG Sauer can be mounted to a tripod if you want even further image stability out in the field, but as an individual tool they work fantastic alone. Something else that will surprise hunters is that both sets of these ZULU6 binoculars are even lighter than competing brands even with this new image stabilizing technology. A lighter pack makes for a happier hunter so that is good news. The current pricing for both available models can be read below:
- Zulu6 10x30mm Electronic Image Stabilized Binoculars – MSRP $799.99
- Zulu6 16x42mm Electronic Image Stabilized Binoculars – MSRP $899.99
While much of the US is slowly trending into colder months and hunting seasons for big-game coming to a close now that it is post-Thanksgiving, there are fewer opportunities for us to utilize an awesome binocular like the ZULU6 from SIG Sauer, but it could make for a phenomenal Christmas present for that hunter in your life (or yourself). What do you think? These binoculars are definitely spendy, but would you be willing to invest in a pair for yourself? As always, let us know all of your thoughts in the Comments below! We always appreciate your feedback.
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